We had a wonderful time trick or treating with the Allen family. Garrett chose to be a firefighter this year. Chief Garrett led the crew in candy retrieval the entire evening. I think we may have a future track star, like his dad!
Garrett and all of the Allen cousins!!
It was an evening with just mommy, daddy, and Garrett. Asher stayed at home with Meme to hand out candy.
Our great friends the Allens with Superman and Clark Kent
Believe it or not Asher is 6 weeks old. Here are a few pictures to share from his first month. Asher is a very sweet baby. We still have many "dates" throughout the night but he is starting to sleep 4-5 hour stents for me every now and then! His best times are first thing in the evening and right before bed. During those times, he does a lot of smiling and cooing. There is still much debate on who he looks like, several people think he looks like me!! Yeah! Garrett is an awesome big brother. He enjoys taking a bath with Asher every evening and helping with diaper changes. I am excited that I will be off work until Jan 3 and have the opportunity to be with my family throughout the holiday season...stay tuned!
#picadaytilnextbdayyear2 8.17.15
9 years ago